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Case ih 4400 Series Corn Header Pack

CategoryGame mod
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorDevo Media


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FS19_DM_CaseIH_4400_Series.zip 10 MB


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Devo I have a error free convert of the 4416 I'd love to release on pc if you'd be kind enough to give me your blessing.


Holy shit beatboxer2022 is totally psychotic all that shit that he’s saying he’s out of his freaking mind i would never go that far.


Man this motherfucker is Bi polar as fuck. He needs to be on some fucking drugs!


no kidding holy shit. the meth, cocaine, and weed are getting to him


since the 4400 series corn headers are never gonna be in FS22 I’m just gonna unfollow devo media cause I’m done playing the waiting game so your projects are dead to me peace out loser

Deleted 1 year ago

i tried the problem is thgat i don't have the paitents to do it so i stopped and i'm not complaining anymor

Deleted 1 year ago

hey guess what I think you’re 4400 series corn head pack is a bunch of shit the way I see it right now it’s either convert the dang thing over to farming simulator 22 or just take it down and forget the whole thing ever existed because I am sick of playing the waiting game I have tried to convert the headers myself and I have really tried everything humanly possible to get them to work in FS 22 and every single one of my attempt failed miserably so as it is right now these corn headers are officially junk and she just be removed and thrown into the junkyard of abandoned projects 

(1 edit) (+2)

Ya know what? Fuck off you asshole. Devo don't owe you shit. They do this out of their love for the game so if they choose to not convert it then so be it. You're a piece of shit and I hope your pc blows up while you're sitting there just so you can watch your money and your "precious" farming simulator and your asshole comments go up in smoke and flames.


go fucking rape yourself in hell you should consider yourself lucky that i don’t have control of the earth’s elements cause I would be able to see your home town and I would fucking flood your hometown with raging hot magma and desinegrate you and your hometown you have no idea who you’re fucking with bitch so if you value your life you’ll shut your fucking mouth forever bitch


You just threatened me with mystical earth powers...... whatever little amount of credibility you had just went down the drain. I'm pushing you so show me who I'm fucking with Mr. Big Man. Wutcha gonna do? Have crows swoop down on my house? Try me. You're too scared to actually do anything which is why you hide behind a computer and make useless threats to me.  Like I said. Devo don't owe you shit. Try me and I'll owe you something you worthless fuck. Go play in your fantasy land and leave people alone who actually work hard for what they want. If you've got such a stick up your ass then make the headers completely from scratch you joke.


really bitch you think I’m nothing but a chicken do you okay how does this sound to you the last time somebody got under my skin just like you are doing that person nearly lost one of their arms because that person tried to grab me by the throat I freaking swung my pocket knife and slashed their arm pretty deeply but I was able to get away with it because I claimed self-defense so let me just put it this way for you sticks and stones may break my bones but if I ever see you in person, I’m gonna kick you repeatedly in the fucking mouth and knock every one of your fucking teeth done your throat until you choke to death in the neighborhood where I live. I am one of the toughest fighters in this neighborhood, so if you really think you got what it takes to fight me man, the man one on one with no back up on either side, then come and find me and you will find out very quickly how fast I will take your ass down and possibly send you to a fucking early grave Because I know how to fight hand to hand combat, so I could easily use your own goddamn weight against you. and I also know how to fight with weapons I guarantee my weapon skills are way better than yours will ever be so if you think you even stand a fighting ghost of a chance against me, you are completely brainless because I guarantee I will take your ass down faster than you could say oops I just pissed off and fucked with the wrong dude you dirty fucking man slut and should you end up killing me I guarantee my friend Mike will definitely avenge my death. He’s a trained and licensed assassin and he will fucking kill you and the cops won’t be able to do shit about it because he’s got a license to be able to kill you regardless of what other state or country you’re in so either way if you were to kill me, then you just really fucked your life up because my buddy Mike will slaughter you and plus he’s got friends that work for the FBI so they can easily get him free of all charges no matter what, so either way you fuck with me then you just basically threw your whole life down the drain so compared to me and all my shit all of my Homies you are a little fucking pussy shit that looks like a fucking man slut and will never be able to amount to anything so if you even try to fight me, you’re just wasting your time because you’re gonna be dead after the first two punches, because I know how to punch people in the nose at an angle that will literally kill them so if you have any common sense in that fucking brain of yours, if you even have one, then you better use that common sense because if you were using your common sense, then you would be legitimately afraid of me I have beaten the shit out of bullies that were nearly twice as strong as me so like I said, if you use your common sense or if you even have any common sense, you would be legitimately afraid of me and never try to fuck with me consider this your only verbal warning you fuck with me, you might end up dead because like I said I can easily punch you in the nose at an angle that will be legitimately lethal, so do you want to try to fuck with me in person then by all means go ahead try to find me you better be willing to accept the fact that you’re going to end up dead 

I do believe you threatened me first so if you want to "kill" me or have your friend "Mike" whos an "assassin" try to kill me then go ahead. You come find me. You literally just spouted completely disputable evidence that is completely subjective. You act like a scared child who's trying to buff up to scare someone off because they bit off more than they could chew. You can't do anything because once again. You hide behind a computer belting insults at people who work hard for what they want while you sit there and wait with your hands out to be fed like a baby bird. Grow the fuck up and come find me and make true to your threats. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. Nice job calling me a man slut. What's next? Are you gonna call me gay? A f*ggot? The N-word? I've heard them all and they have zero effect. Try me. Make due on the threats and when your friend tries to get off the hook using his supposed license to kill or his "FBI friends" then that's fine. Corruption in the government is easily dealt with. Grow the fuck up. First, it's mystical earth powers and now it's you killing me in one or two punches with an "assassin" friend who could get off the hook with his "FBI" friends. Best to quit lying now and apologize to Devo. Don't be part of the internet's lying problem. You're just another worthless person hiding behind a screen lying about their life to seem cooler and like the greatest thing since sliced bread. But in all actuality, you're worth no more than the mold that grows on the bread. Get a life or a job instead of lying about unbelievable things and cussing out people who work hard.

Deleted 1 year ago

if you can send me a link for these headers i'd truly appreciate it


and i'm truly sorry from the bottom of my heart for the terrible shit i've said in the past

Deleted 321 days ago
(1 edit)

hey dude, I understand your refusal to send me a link because I was a total jerk and I do admit that, but I wouldn’t have commented saying that I’m sorry for all the shit that I caused or all the shit that I said if I was not feeling completely sincere about what I’m saying I know that for a fact I was a total jerk. My frustration got the better of me, but as I said, if I wasn’t feeling completely sincere about my apology. I never would’ve  put it as a comment but if you don’t feel that I’m being sincere enough, I understand because like I said, I openly admit that I was a jerk I never should’ve said what I said about all that other stuff and all the threats I posted in my comments I was a complete total asshole for saying that stuff, and like I said, if I wasn’t feeling completely sincere about the apology I wrote, I never would’ve wrote it but I respect your decision to not send me a link. So I just won’t bother you about it anymore.

womp womp lil brodi

I am so done playing this waiting game I think it’s become pretty obvious that the case IH 4400 series corn headers are never going to show up in FS22 I tried doing the conversion myself no matter what I did it failed and I’ve tried like probably 50 times I’m extremely frustrated by it and severely pissed off so I’m getting to the point where I don’t even care if this mod shows up in FS22 or not I have officially lost my patience with waiting for this mod to come to FS22

so are we ever gonna see this mod pack converted to FS 22 I really would like to be able to use this pack in the game

hey I was wondering if this mod is still going to be converted to FS 22 or if that project has been abandoned

thought about it, using thegiants updated model

because I really would like to be able to use the Case IH 4416 corn header in FS22 it’s my favorite Case IH corn head


Good Job DEVO